Checklist of information that you need to bring with you at the substance abuse evaluation appointment—
1-History Information—Any convictions, driving violations, and/or criminal records
2-Treatment —Any counseling or treatment received
3-Support Documents—AA meetings, support groups (sign-in sheets)
4-Letters of Sobriety—If you have reference letters completed bring copies. If not, then your therapist will let you know what is required in each letter and give you sample copies of a letter so you have everything you need.
5-10 Panel Drug Test Results—If you have completed a drug test bring in a copy of the results. If not, then your therapist will give you names/locations of facilities in your local area.
6-Payment—$299.00 Cash or credit card only. NO CHECKS
($75 deposit required. Un-refundable deposit if cancel appointment without at least a 48-hour notification prior to scheduled appointment)
Substance Abuse Evaluation
Un-refundable deposit if cancel appointment without at least a 48-hour notification prior to scheduled appointment.